Thursday, August 6, 2009

Liberals Can Dish It Out, But They Can't Take It.

For the past eight years, the liberals were angry. They felt cheated during the 2000 election. They didn't accept the laws of Florida. They didn't accept the recounts and re-recounts in just three counties in Florida and they didn't accept the decision of the Supreme Court. With the exception of the first few days after the attacks on September 11, 2001, they called President Bush everything but President. It didn't stop there. A movie was created advocating the assassination of President Bush. Vile names were attached to the President. Even his daughters were followed around and berated for their actions, whether justified or not.

In 2004, President Bush was re-elected and for the first time in 16 years an election was won where the President received more than 50% of the vote. Protestors were popping up everywhere. Protesting the war, protesting tax cuts, protesting the Patriot Act and protesting President Bush.

Cindy Sheehan and about 25 others sat along the road in Crawford, Texas protesting. This was just down the road from President Bush's home. Bush was recently asked about the protests and Cindy Sheehan in particular. His response was that protesting is a right in this country and Sheehans protest was understandable because she'd lost a child in the Iraq war. He was very gracious towards people that disagreed with him.

Now it's 2009. We have a new President. He's been going at breakneck speed to try to fix problems in this country. His work ethic is commendable. He's trying to make changes as he promised during the campaign. You have to give him credit for that.

However, things are not going as he said. The stimulus was supposed to put people back to work with shovel ready jobs. Unemployment continues to rise.

He's spent money that we don't have. The deficit has been quadrupled. The debt will be doubled. It was just announced that the debt has reached $11.66 trillion. He's added over $1 trillion in debt in just six months. It took President Bush 2 1/2 years to add $1 Trillion to the debt.

The stimulus didn't put the money into the economy. It is going to areas that don't need it and ignoring those that do need it. $12,000 per family is being spent in a county in Nebraska where the unemployment rate is 4%, but $33.00 is being spent in an Indiana county where the unemployment rate is 15%. In addition, only 10% of the stimulus money has gone into the economy regardless of the areas. The bulk of it is designed to enter the economy just before the next election.

The "Cash for Clunkers" plan is poorly done. It ran out of money within two weeks and they are now having to throw more money at it.

Cash for Clunkers will help those with Clunkers, but what about everyone else? Bush tax cuts were across the board. Not just for the rich and not for the poor, but for everyone. Cash for Clunkers is only for those with cars that don't get 18 mpg.

Now he's pushing health care reform. But the American people are rejecting it. The more information that trickles out about the plans proposed, the more the American people are rejecting the new ObamaCare.

The American people are showing up at town hall meetings and questioning their lawmakers about the plan, and what they've heard. When the elected officials give their answers, the people are rejecting the answers and know that they are being lied to.

An example. At Senator Spectors town hall last week, a member of the audience asked a question. Spector said that we needed to get this done fast. The people erupted. If health care is going to be done, it needs to be done correctly not in haste. The Senate was supposed to be a more deliberative body in government, but they are pushing this through fast rather than correctly.

This is happening all over the nation. Tea Parties protesting the massive spending, now town hall meetings where Americans have a chance to tell their legislators what they want and they are rejecting the governments plan.

How is this being handled? Barbara Boxer says that the protestors are well dressed, just like in Florida and complains that we're trying to hurt our President. Did Boxer just call liberals bums that dress like slobs?

In addition, President Obama is calling on liberals to attend these meetings and shout the protestors down. This is a bit confusing. First, he's supposed to represent the people of this country. Not just blacks. Not just liberals. Not just socialists, but every citizen in this country. So why is he advocating that one group attack another?

Liberals are claiming that this isn't grass roots, but rather astroturf protestors. Meaning that it's organized by right wing groups. Wasn't Obama a community organizer? Didn't he praise the efforts of community organizers during the campaign? What's changed? Could it just be that he's only in favor of liberal community organizers and not others?

The odd thing is that during the tea parties, politicians were involved in some of them, but in many of them people didn't want to hear from the politicians. The politicians put us into this recession with their poor policies and worse votes. Not just Democrat politicians but Republican politicians as well.

Now the administration is advocating that liberals, when they see E-mails or websites that go against what the administration proposes, that they forward them to their E-mail at I think we should bottle up that E-mail and send in our own E-mails to that address about liberal websites that agree with the President and his faulty plan. We should forward E-mails that are sent to us, on to the President. After all, isn't there an old line about inundating and letting God sort them out? If Obama really believes he's a higher power, he can sort them out.

Finally, recently someone plastered posters all over Los Angeles and in Georgia. The poster is of Obama as the Joker. Liberals are all up in arms about this. It's disrespectful to our President. But they didn't seem to have that problem when the same type of poster was done in Vanity Fair last year portraying President Bush as the Joker.

If my representative had the guts to put on a town hall meeting, I'd be one of those well dressed radicals questioning him about this and if he lied to me, I'd not hesitate to tell him that he's not telling the truth. Or maybe I could come in disguise look liberal by wearing ripped up blue jeans, a tee shirt that has a peace sign in the middle of the chest. He could then feel comfortable in calling on me to ask a question.
This administration and the Democrat Congress is a joke. Someone should turn the group picture of the Democrats into caricatures of the Joker.

You're welcome to comment.


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