Wednesday, June 12, 2013

ObamaCare: Someone Lives, Someone Dies


In recent weeks we’ve been hearing about Sarah Murnaghan. She’s the 10 year old Pennyslvania girl that needs a lung transplant or she’ll die within 3-5 weeks. Two elected officials from Pennsylvania, both Republicans brought this up to Kathleen Sebelius Health and Human Services Secretary. Her response was that some people live and some people die.

There is a policy in place that says that to qualify for an adult lung transplant, you must be at least 12 years old. Sarah is 10. That gap of less than two years was preventing her from getting the lung transplant. Her doctors said that she could take an adult lung, but the policy said differently. So the policy was followed. Sebelius had it within her power to suspend the policy but chose not to.

Sarah’s parents took it to court and the court ordered Sebelius to suspend the policy for Sarah and for another child that is 11 and waiting for a transplant as well. Sebelius had the policy suspended the very next day. Despite having said she couldn’t suspend the policy, she did it after the court ordered to do so. So apparently she did have the power.

Today, a lung became available and Sarah Murnaghan went into surgery. The doctors are pleased with how she did during the surgery and her recovery thus far. Their prognosis is good.

We were told that decisions about our health should be between our doctors and ourselves. But Sebelius wouldn’t allow what the doctor said was best for the child. We were told that the costs of health insurance would go down, but we’ve got announcements coming in from around the country saying just the opposite. Ohio was the latest saying premiums would rise by 80%.

We now know that the costs are going to go up and we also know that doctors and patients don’t have a say in their health treatment. Kathleen Sebelius decides.

The bulk of our population is the elderly and the ones about to be the elderly. 10,000 baby boomers a day are retiring When they go for their health care, and their doctor decides they need something done, we know it must be cleared by Sebelius. If it’s not, apparently the only way to get her to do give clearance is to go to court and have a judge order her to do it.

But, the amazing thing is that while we were warned about death panels, it was scoffed at by anyone in favor of this abomination called Obamacare (technically the Affordable Care Act). Now we have a first hand and publicized look at the death panel in action. So far it seems that the death panel consists of Kathleen Sebelius.

Their first test of it publicly has the results as Death Panelist Sebelius 0, Ten year old girl 1.

Stayed tuned to the health care issue. The craziness is just beginning.

You’re welcome to comment.


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