President Obama, supposedly after a four week battle with himself, decided to declassify memos from the Bush Administration regarding torture techniques. He is not, however, declassifying the memos showing the results of the enhanced techniques.
I mentioned in a previous writing about this and I think it's clear that he didn't take four weeks to ponder this. He is doing as Clinton did during his presidency. He's lying when it's not necessary to tell lies.
It is maddening that he is putting our soldiers at an even greater risk and our operatives at greater risk and the American people at greater risk. These terrorists don't care if you're a soldier, a grocery store clerk or a person retired from an auto company. They only care that you're an American and will torture and kill you just because you're an American. Why doesn't the press ever take the terrorists to task for their attempt at ethic cleansing of Americans?
In this country, you can be a racist, and still have freedom of speech. You're hated if you are a racist (except by other racists) but you still have the right to your opinion and expressing it. After all, we have a former KKK member in the United States Senate, Senator Robert Byrd. The press will vilify you if your name is David Duke, but they don't talk about the terrorists and their tactics and desires for Americans to die a death of excruciating pain and humiliation. Terrorist don't care if you're a racist, gay, straight, male, female, adult, child or even sympathetic to them. If you're an American, they want you dead.
The Obama administration doesn't take that into consideration. Their only consideration is making President Bush and Vice President Cheney and anyone that worked for them, guilty in the eyes of the world. In fact, the Obama administration seems to have the same fixation as the terrorists. Their recent memo about returning soldiers, Conservatives, militia groups, attendees of the tea parties, or even people with Ron Paul bumper stickers or pro-life bumpers stickers being people that should be watched carefully, is along the same lines as the terrorists. Terrorists hate Americans, and apparently Obamaites hate any American that disagrees with them.
This makes me think of the past. Bush/Cheney, protected this country. We had zero attacks following September 11, 2001 because they were able to extract information from captured terrorists. Those terrorists captured are in custody. However, about two weeks ago, pirates attacked an American ship. The captain of that ship was a hero. He offered to the pirates himself in exchange for the release of his crew. He spent five days in captivity. Finally, three of the pirates were shot dead and the captain was rescued. Then Obama took credit for this saying that he had given the order to go, not just once, but twice (although these events are now seeming to be untrue).
Bush's captives are still in custody. Obama says he killed three pirates. The terrorists in our custody nearly have all of the comforts of home. Well, a home in the U.S. But the pirates didn't fare as well. Obama says he ordered them shot and killed.
Now, I'm all for those pirates being shot dead, but it's the Obama administration, and the left wing extremists that are whining about our detainees and how they may have been treated, even with the knowledge and consent of those same liberals in Congress.
This politicization does nothing but put American Soldiers and American citizens at greater risk of terrorist attacks and torture. If Obama was wrestling with himself for four weeks over this, I'd have to say that he lost the battle with himself.
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