Monday, October 31, 2016

If Elected, What Would Each Do?

Let’s assume for a minute that the candidates are telling the truth about what they’ll do if they are elected. Politicians have one thing in mind when they get elected. A second term. But let’s assume for a minute that they actually do what they say they’ll do.

If Hillary is elected, and she does what she says she’ll do, she will not only leave the current regulations in place, but she’ll add more regulations on top of the current regulations.

If Trump is elected, and he does what he says he’ll do, he’ll remove a massive amount of regulations. He’ll add some on, but for each one that he adds on, two others will be removed.

If Hillary is elected, she’ll raise taxes. $110 Billion in new taxes.

If Trump is elected, he’ll cut the taxes. In addition, he’ll cut the corporate tax rate from 35% to 15%.

If Hillary is elected, illegal aliens will become American citizens. The borders will be open to millions more immigrants.

If Trump is elected, the Illegal aliens that have committed felonies will be the first to be imprisoned or deported. The illegal aliens that are here will be deported as they are found. The wall will be built.

If Hillary is elected, she’ll continue the fight with ISIS as it is.

If Trump is elected, the fight with ISIS will change and be more aggressive but we don’t know how.

If Hillary is elected, the Supreme Court nominees will have to pledge to uphold abortion, reverse the Citizens United decision.

If Trump is elected, the Supreme Court nominees will have to pledge to rule by the Constitution.

These are things they’ve said. We can do this with al of the issues. However, there are other things to measure. Such as the Justice Department, the IRS. These should not be politically determined by the administration. There should be separation from the White House.

If Hillary is elected, and it’s found that she did do things illegally like her own personal server, it appears she cannot be charged with a crime as President. The only thing that can happen is that she be impeached. Once impeached, the Senate would  then have to vote her out of office. Once she’s out of office, then she can be charged with crimes.

Regardless of who is elected, one thing we can be certain of is that there will be another terrorist attack on this country. It happened in 93 with the World Trade Center bombing in February. It happened again in December just before Clinton left office with the attack on the USS Cole. Then it happened in  huge fashion 7 months after George W. Bush took office on September 11, 2001. It happened as well when Obama took office with an attack in Arkansas at a recruiting center and then another at Fort Hood, Texas.

Before we even reach that point, there are still 8 days left until the election. The FBI bombshell is likely not the last one to happen. Remember who is running. Hillary Clinton. You can be sure that if there is something else out there to be used against Donald Trump it will be used. Do you really believe here when she says "if they go low, we'll go high"? 

The polls that will reflect the FBI news from last Friday will start coming out on Thursday and Friday of this week. If it shows that Hillary is losing or has lost a lot of ground, you can expect whatever she’s holding on to to come out then.

You’re welcome to comment.


Sunday, October 30, 2016

Hillary's Karma: FBI!

Is it Unprecedented to Have News Prior to an Election?

The news or most of the news is talking about the “bombshell” laid out by FBI director James Comey on Friday. They are calling what he did “unprecedented” to drop this 11 days before an election. It’s not unprecedented.

In 1992 George H. W. Bush was running for re-election. He was coming off a recession and the economy was recovering. But there was also the ongoing Iran Contra scandal that had been going on since the Reagan presidency.

On June 16 of 92, fourteen people were brought under indictment by special prosecutor Lawrence Walsh. One of those was Caspar Weinberger, the former Secretary of Defense. Two counts of perjury and one count of obstruction of justice.

Leading up to election day, Bush was closing the gap between he and Clinton. Ross Perot was also running in that race as an independent but had started to slide when he said that terrorists had threatened his daughters wedding, but he was still a factor in the race.

Four days before the election, Lawrence Walsh brought another indictment of Weinberger. Bush then lost the election. On December 11, 1992 a judge threw out the indictment of Weinberger because it violated the Statute of Limitations and improperly broadened the original charges. Naturally, the Clintons were thrilled and used it to get elected. Comey’s announcement is not unprecedented.

Is it Interfering with the Election or Would it be by not Saying?

The news is now saying that Comey, recently loved by the news and liberals, is doing this without knowing what’s in the E-mails. Hillary got lucky back in July. Comey, for all intents and purposes, exonerated her. It’s even more confusing when you listen to the 15 minute report he gave in his announcement on July 5. He listed all that they had investigated and found and everyone, including his own FBI agents that worked on it, were expecting him to say that he was referring it to the Justice Department for charges. But he didn’t. Despite even saying in his long list that “any reasonable person should have known E-mail doesn’t belong on a personal server”, he said he was recommending no charges.

The FBI, apparently in it’s investigation of former Representative Anthony Weiner, seems to have discovered some E-mails from Clinton’s private server. Apparently, once they discovered the E-mails, they stopped their search and asked for a warrant so they could investigate these previously unknown E-mails. This put Director Comey in a quandary. Does he report it to the committees that were questioning him recently? Does he stay silent and just get his warrants? For some reason, they are not allowed to look at those E-mails without proper warrants.

By announcing that they are reopening the investigation, the charge from the liberals is that he’s affecting the election. But what about the other direction? If he doesn’t announce the investigation, is that not also affecting the election for the other side?

Hillary wants transparency, but she hid her server for a long time. It was only discovered during the Benghazi investigation. That doesn’t sound like transparency.

She deleted 33,000 E-mails days after receiving a subpoena to submit all of the E-mails. That’s not transparent. In fact, it sounds like Obstruction.

Her husband met privately with Attorney General Loretta Lynch days before the FBI interview of Hillary Clinton. Camera’s were not allowed to be carried by those in the know. Cell phones with cameras were not allowed. This was a hidden meeting. That’s not transparent.

Now Hillary is calling for Comey to release the E-mails so that the American people can see them before the election. She, of course, doesn’t want them released. She also knows that the FBI can’t release them and hasn’t even looked at them yet. They’ve only seen enough to know that they should re-open the investigation. If Hillary wants them released, she can release them. It seems apparent that while she deleted them from her server, someone had kept them on a personal E-mail account away from the server.

Comey calling for the investigation to be re-opened can have an effect on the election against Hillary. On the other hand, not calling for the investigation to be re-opened because of the election gives Hillary the advantage in the election leaving the people in the dark when they vote.

Clinton’s husband benefitted from a Special Prosecutors indictment in 1992. Apparently, Karma may have her affected detrimentally during the election of 2016.

It’s never a good thing to say one thing and do another. There are so many ironies to this story.

1.    Hillary deleted E-mail, but at least one of her people apparently kept it outside of Hillary’s personal server.
2.    In the 1990’s the Clinton’s improperly and possibly illegally has 900 FBI files in their possession and now the FBI is re-opening a case they had previously closed.
3.    This appears to have come about because of a sex scandal and again, during the 1990’s the Clinton presidency was inundated with sex scandals. Costing Bill $850,000 and his law license. This seems to be about Anthony Weiners sexual deviancy, who is married to Huma Abedin, who is Hillary’s closest advisor and it was the Clintons that played matchmaker getting Abedin and Weiner together ending in a marriage that is now collapsing.

With the Clintons, the best closing line seems to be “Tune in Tomorrow for the continuing saga of Clinton’s sex, lies and E-mails.” What a soap opera. Maybe it could be titled “The Clinton’s. Jail or Impeachment?”

You’re welcome to comment.


Sunday, October 23, 2016

Debates are over. Now It's Our Turn!

If you watched the news on the mainstream media following the debate, you’d never know the issues that were brought up during the debate. The bulk of their reporting and comments were about Donald Trumps answer to Chris Wallaces question as to whether or not he’d honor the results the election on November 8.

Trumps answer was that he’d look at the results first. When that didn’t satisfy, he then said he’d leave them (the media) in suspense until then. That is what the media took from the debate. It led every newscast the following couple of days.

Last week, the big news regarding Trump was all of the women coming out saying he’d made advances on them 10, 20 and even 35 years ago. On the news programs they spoke about that for 26 minutes. However, Wikileaks has put out thousands of E-mails that came from John Podesta showing that Clinton had said derogatory things about Sanders voters, catholics, and others. That she said she has positions that she announces in public but that she holds differing private positions. The media spent 57 seconds on those stories.

On Wednesday, two more women came out with allegations regarding Trumps supposed groping and kissing of them which the media happily reported. On the other hand, another story with sources came out saying that Hillary had someone that arranged for sexual partners for her that were both men and women. Apparently, the media is only concerned about Trumps alleged sexual dalliances, but Hillary’s don’t matter to them. When one of Trumps surrogates did mention it on CNN, the commentator said that it was reported in a tabloid and not a real news organization. They seem to have forgotten that 8 years ago, another Presidential candidate by the name of John Edwards was the subject of an Enquirer story regarding his affair with Ryell Hunter and that they had a child together. Edwards ended up leaving the campaign and is no longer part of politics. The rules are not the same for all in the mainstream media.

On Saturday at Gettysburg, Trump gave a major speech. He began by talking about how we are a divided nation as we were during Lincoln’s time when he made the famous Gettysburg address. He said that he felt he had to act as a citizen to run for President. He mentioned the problems of lack of work, food stamp rolls, inner city problems, the military depletion and the VA Hospital problems and that the changes must come from the outside because the professional politicians have done nothing but exacerbate the problems.

He talked about voter fraud and how 1.8 million dead people are registered to vote and are still voting. 14% of non citizens are registered to vote, and that Hillary should have been precluded from running for President due to her crimes, such as lying to the FBI and claiming she didn’t recall 39 times and mentioned the deleted 33,000 E-mails that were deleted AFTER she received the subpoena for them and that a four star general is now facing prison time for way less than what she had done, and said the main stream media was complicit in the bias towards Hillary.

He also said that the women that had come out with claims against him that were not true and said he’d be suing them following the election. He said, “a simple phone call gets wall to wall coverage with no fact checking.” Then he said, “If they can do this to me, who has unlimited resources to fight back, imagine what they can do to you with your jobs, your security, your education, your health care, the violation of the second amendment. ”

He also mentioned the video’s by project veritas where operatives admitted to starting the violence at Trump rallies including in Chicago where it was cancelled at the recommendation of the police. The videos showed the leaders of those starting the violence were paid for by the DNC and the Clinton Campaign.

Then he got to the issues.

His economic plan to create jobs, and have fair trade.
His Security Plan to bring safety to poorest communities.
His Ethics plan to end corruption in government. “Drain the swamp”.

Then he went into his 100 day action plan and calls it his Contract with the American voter.

On the first day, he will start on six measures to clean up Washington.

1.    A Constitutional Amendment to set in place term limits for Congress.
2.     Hiring freeze on all fed employees exempting military, public safety and public health. .
3.    Requirement that for every new regulation, two existing must be eliminated.
4.    Ban for five years on former White House and congressional employees from becoming lobbyists.
5.    Lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying on behalf foreign govt.
6.    Complete ban on foreign lobbyists for American elections.

On the same day, 7 actions to protect American workers.

1.    Totally re-negotiate NAFTA or withdraw from it.
2.    Announce withdrawal from Trans pacific partnership.
3.    Sec. of Treasury to label China as currency manipulator.
4.    Direct Sec. of Commerce to identify all foreign trading abuses that unfairly affect Americans.
5.    Lift restrictions on 50 American energy jobs.
6.    Lift Obama/ Clinton roadblocks from allowing to go forward. Keystone pipeline for example.
7.    Cancel billions in payments to United Nations Climate Change and use the money for our own environmental infrastructure.

Also 5 actions on the first day to restore security.
1.    Cancel every Exec. Order by President Obama.
2.    Begin the process of replacing the late Justice Scalia
3.    Cancel all federal funding of sanctuary cities.
4.    Begin removing the criminal illegal aliens from the country and cancel visas to countries that won’t take them back.
5.    Suspend immigration from terror prone regions where vetting cannot safely occur.

Work with Congress in the first 100 days to

1.    Middle class tax relief and simplification Act.
2.    Current brackets will reduced from 7 to 3 and tax forms simplified.
3.    Business rate lowered from 35% to 15%
4.    Overseas money brought back at a 10% rate.
5.    End the off shoring act
6.    Establish tariffs for leaving the country.
7.    American infrastructure act.
8.    School Choice and opportunity Act. Choice of public private, charter, magnet and home school.
9.    End Common Core
10. Expands technical and vocation education.
11. Repeal and Replace Obamacare act
12. Cutting the Red Tape at FDA
13. Affordable and Elder Care Act
14. End Illegal Immigration Act
15. Reform Visa rules
16. Restoring community safety Act
17. Increase the funds to prosecute federal criminals.
18. Restoring National Security Act. Peace through strength.
19. Care for the Veterans. No more waiting at VA hospitals. They can visit private doctor and have it paid for if they can’t get in to VA hospital quickly enough.
20. Protect against cyber attack
21. Clean up corruption in Washington Act.

All of that was in Trumps 42 minute speech on Saturday. Did you hear this on the news? Of course not, they talked about how Trump was going to sue the women that have come out and made claims against him that he says are lies. On Meet the Press, Chuck Todd ignored being told of the other things and asked when he was going to file the suits and had he given up on the election.

The three debates are done. We don’t have to worry any longer about how the press will give Hillary questions in advance or how many times they’ll ask Trump a tough question while asking Hillary what her favorite color is.

You can be sure that the press will not ask the American people about their vote. They will continue to interview each other and tell each other why we think what we think and whether it will pay off in November without any knowledge of what the American people think at all. We would be wise not to take the mainstream medias words to heart. If we ignore them we only need ask ourselves what we want. Hillary has said she wants judges on the Supreme Court that will restrict the 2nd amendment, that will ensure a baby can be torn from the womb even five minutes before it’s ready and call it the mothers right to choose. She has said she wants a court that will reverse campaign finance laws. She wants to direct the court on how to rule. Trump wants judges that follow the constitution. He hasn’t mentioned how expects them to rule, only that they follow the constitution.

Hillary wants open borders. She said she’s talking about just the electrical grid, but she’s lying. She’s said both trade and immigration. Trump wants secure borders, and secure elections. Again, we look to the constitution. Only United States citizens are legally able to vote.

We either make the most of it and get out and vote on November 8 or we sit at home as many did in 2012 costing Mitt Romney the election. Our next President is either going to be named Trump or Clinton. It’s not going to be named McMullin or Johnson or Stein.

It’s our turn to speak up and I for one am really hoping that when they call the election on election night, the press has to sit back with their mouths wide open but no words coming out.

The debates are over. It’s now our turn!

You’re welcome to comment.


Monday, October 10, 2016

Two Poor Choices. Maybe Some Good From It

For years, we’ve always heard the phrase “Choosing the lesser of two evils” when it came to Presidential elections. This year, it’s more true than ever. The Republicans have a candidate that is less than conventional, to say the least. Crude and vile comes to mind when hearing his words.The Democrats have a candidate that is just as bad in her personal life and in her public life is as dishonest as they come. The Republican Party is made up of a bunch of wimps showing exactly why someone like Donald Trump has a real chance at winning the Presidency. The Democrat Party has a bunch of sheep that will follow their candidate, make excuses for their candidate and act as though she can do no wrong and anything negative said about her is only because she’s a female.

Then there is the press. They don’t report, they judge. They edit their words to reflect their bias while trying to appear above it all although they don’t give great effort to hide that bias.  

Donald Trumps comments that were aired on Friday, October 7 from 11 years ago only showed that he thought himself better than anyone because of his success in show business. He claims it was locker room talk. I’ve been in locker rooms when I was a teenager  playing football, basketball and baseball, and while he’s right, bragging about conquests of girls, whether they are truthful or not, are said in locker rooms in high schools and junior high schools across this country. They are said by teenagers who have little control over their raging hormones and even less of a handle on their ability to be tactful or respectful. I have never heard the exact words about grabbing genitalia that he used, but the idea was still there. It also goes on in girls lockers rooms and even in the parties that women put on where they are selling their sexy lingerie and toys to each other like they were Tupperware parties. None of that makes any of it right. None of that justifies Trump saying it age the age of 59. It’s childish and and shows a lack of character and I hope he was very embarrassed in talking about it with his wife and his kids. Not just his daughters.

One thing we can be certain of is that we haven’t heard the last of it. There is likely more to come because while the Clintons always claim others that use the "scorched earth" tactics, it is them that use it most often.

On the exact same day that Trumps taped comments were put out there for all to hear, Wikileaks put out their first batch of hacked E-mails of John Podesta, who is Hillary’s campaign chairman. Do we know which was leaked first? Did they put out Trumps, and then Hillary’s E-mails? Or did they put out Hillary’s E-mails, then Trumps tape? They both came out within virtually minutes of each other.

Those E-mails included comments by Hillary that she has a public position on issues but also has a private position on those same issues. Say one thing to get elected but do another thing once elected. Recently, she said that half of Trump supporters were a basket of deplorable that were irredeemable. Now in those E-mails, it’s shown that she called Bernie Sanders supporters a bucket of losers. It was also revealed in the E-mails that Hillary wants open trade and open borders.

In the first debate, Hillary brought up the woman that was Miss Universe over 20 years ago and things that Trump supposedly had said about her. We got to spend a week hearing about that and then how that girl had threatened the life of a judge in her home country, and how she’d been in some porn videos.

Then there is the Republican’s in the Senate and House and even some governors and former governors that have rescinded their endorsement of Trump over the language used in that tape.

We are less than a month from the election. In fact, on the day that the E-mails and the Trump tape was released, I received in my mail my absentee ballot. What do the Republicans expect to happen by pulling their endorsements?

Do they think that Trump will drop out of the race? I’d be very surprised if that happened. His ego is too large for him to back out over words stated 11 years ago. If that was their bluff to get him to drop out, they should have thought through their plan a little better. What other choice do they have to vote for? Are they really going to switch to the Libertarian, Gary Johnson? Gary Johnson is walking proof that pot smoking impairs the memory.

Are they going to vote for Hillary? Do they really want to have Hillary in the White House taxing the nation into a depression or have her husband Bill wandering the halls of the White House grabbing every intern in sight?

The next President will be named either Trump or Clinton. To not vote makes them what they complained about in 2012 where Republicans stayed home because Romney wasn’t good enough. To vote for anyone but those two only makes them appear petty and they should give up the seats they are elected to fill.

Donald Trump beat out 16 other candidates. He beat some very good Senators, Governors and former Senators. He beat out two non politicians which were part of that 16. At some point, the Republicans are going to have to face the fact that they have a very flawed candidate who is head and shoulders better than the Democrat opponent. But don’t get the idea that being better than Hillary makes Trump a good president.

So far, the Republicans are showing themselves to be wimps. If they were smart, they would stand up and say that they don’t condone Trumps remarks but that going to Hillary would be infinitely worse and then figure out that if they want to get things done for the country, they will have to work to keep Trump in check. They might actually have to do their job and start sticking to policy and keeping Trumps feet to the fire on all that he tries to implement.

This is not about what they want. It’s not about what the Democrats want. It is about what the American people want and what is best for the United States of America. We have a Constitution that is at risk if Hillary is elected. We have a Supreme Court that is at stake and could set this country back for the next 30 years if Hillary is elected. We have borders that will disappear if Hillary is elected. Health care in this country is at stake. The government will be your new doctor if Hillary is elected. This election is about Liberty and Freedom. If Hillary is elected, we’ll all be under the submission of what amounts to be a tyrannical government.

Our country is in danger of disappearing with either one of these candidates. With Hillary, we’re assured that we’ll lose freedoms. If Trump is elected, we at least have a chance. It may be a slim chance, but it’s still a chance.

I can see no way for either party to bounce their candidate out. Early voting has already begun. The only way it will change is if one of the candidates chooses to drop out, then it will be their Vice Presidential nominee that would fulfill the nominees place (and I’m not sure that’s 100% accurate).

The House could decide that regardless of which one wins the election, they could start impeachment proceedings right after the inauguration. But that would look like they are thwarting the will of the people.

For the Republicans to back away and all but give the election to Hillary Clinton is selfish on their part and only shows that what’s important to them is their own self interests and the country means nothing to them.

This is a time for them to stand up and tell Trump that they understand that this happened 11 years ago but that if he has current activities that stain the Presidency, they will not hesitate to punish him with the appropriate measures and party unity will not be taken into account if he’s elected President.

While it’s right that the Republicans not just follow Trump because he is a Republican, it’s wrong for them to abandon the people that are voting for Trump because he’s the better choice between he and Hillary.

Finally, there is the press. Have you seen the following reported? (Editing to clean up foul language is mine).

-  “Just get that [F-ing dog] out of my way,” said to Secret Service K-9 handler.
- “Where is the GD flag? I want the GD f***ing flag up every morning at f***ing sunrise”. Hillary to staff at the Arkansas Governor’s mansion on Labor Day 1991. From the book “Inside the White House” by Ronald Kessler, p. 244
- “F**k off! It’s enough I have to see you s**t-kickers every day! I’m not going to talk to you, too! Just do your Gd job and keep your mouth shut.” Hillary to her State Trooper bodyguards after one of them greeted her with “Good Morning.” From the book “America Evita” by Christopher Anderson, p.90
- “If you want to remain on this detail, get your f***ing ass over here and grab those bags!” Hillary to a Secret Service Agent who was reluctant to carry her luggage because he wanted to keep his hands free in case of an incident. From the book “The First Partner” p. 25
- “Stay the f**k back, stay the f**k back away from me! Don’t come within ten yards of me, or else! Just f**king do as I say, Okay!!?” Hillary screaming at her Secret Service detail. From the book “Unlimited Access” by Clinton ‘s FBI Agent-in-Charge, Gary Aldridge, p.139
- “Where’s the miserable c**k sucker?” (otherwise known as “Bill Clinton”) Hillary shouting at a Secret Service officer. From the book “The Truth about Hillary” by Edward Klein, p. 5
- “You f**king idiot” Hillary to a State Trooper who was driving her to an event. From the book “Crossfire” ~pg. 84
- “Put this on the ground! I left my sunglasses in the limo. I need those f**king sunglasses! We need to go back!” Hillary to Marine One helicopter pilot to turn back while in route to Air Force One. From the book ” Dereliction of Duty” p. 71-72
- “Come on Bill, put your d**k up! You can’t f**k her here!!” Hillary to Gov. Bill Clinton when she spots him talking with an attractive female. From the book “Inside the White House” by Ronald Kessler, p. 243

Notice these are all sourced, yet the mainstream press doesn’t put this out there for you to make an informed decision about someone who was first lady. But they’ll repeat the exact words that Trump used 11 years when he was a private citizen.

In the first debate, Lester Holt lobbed softball questions at Hillary but not Trump. The only time he mentioned the E-mail controversy was after Trump brought it up and then turned to Hillary and said “is there anything you’d like to say about the E-mail?’ If that's a difficult question, anyone could do their job! 

In the debate last night, the second question he asked Hillary answered for 3 minutes uninterrupted, but Trump got one minute before he was stopped. When the crowd cheered at Trumps comments, they were told not to applaud, but when the crowd cheered for something Hillary said, no admonition was given.

We have two flawed candidates to choose from this year. We have a press that will only report what they choose to report based on their own biases. Should we give up hope that this election can still turn out something other than Hillary? No. There was an election a couple of months ago in England about whether or not they should leave the European Union. The polls all said it was safe that the EU would remain intact. Even our President came out in favor of the EU. But the people spoke and the election went the other way.

Each vote is needed to offset the illegal aliens that will be voting. To thwart Hillary and her accomplices in the press. The result may very well be that we have the best of two very bad candidates, but at least it’s the people choosing and not the establishment choosing for us. But only if we vote!

If by some miracle the Republicans in the House and Senate get their act together and we get Trump as President, the best of two bad choices, we may actually get a congress that pays attention to the people for a change and keeps the Presidents feet to the fire to be sure things that are done are done calmly and with great deliberation. We just might get something good out of the bad choices we have. 

We've elected one man because of his color and got a very bad President out of it. There were many better men and women of color than the one we got. There are better women to hold the office of the President than Hillary Clinton. Voting for her for the sake of getting our first female President is just as wrong as electing the wrong black man. Now we're down to two choices that are both bad. One of those choices is in it with the country in mind. The other is in it to make a name for herself. She has already done that in a bad way. Making her President is not going to correct what she's done to herself. 

Vote. It may be your last chance to have a say in your government! 

You’re welcome to comment.


Two Poor Choices. Maybe Some Good From It

For years, we’ve always heard the phrase “Choosing the lesser of two evils” when it came to Presidential elections. This year, it’s more true than ever. The Republicans have a candidate that is less than conventional, to say the least. Crude and vile comes to mind when hearing his words.The Democrats have a candidate that is just as bad in her personal life and in her public life is as dishonest as they come. The Republican Party is made up of a bunch of wimps showing exactly why someone like Donald Trump has a real chance at winning the Presidency. The Democrat Party has a bunch of sheep that will follow their candidate, make excuses for their candidate and act as though she can do no wrong and anything negative said about her is only because she’s a female.

Then there is the press. They don’t report, they judge. They edit their words to reflect their bias while trying to appear above it all although they don’t give great effort to hide that bias.  

Donald Trumps comments that were aired on Friday, October 7 from 11 years ago only showed that he thought himself better than anyone because of his success in show business. He claims it was locker room talk. I’ve been in locker rooms when I was a teenager  playing football, basketball and baseball, and while he’s right, bragging about conquests of girls, whether they are truthful or not, are said in locker rooms in high schools and junior high schools across this country. They are said by teenagers who have little control over their raging hormones and even less of a handle on their ability to be tactful or respectful. I have never heard the exact words about grabbing genitalia that he used, but the idea was still there. It also goes on in girls lockers rooms and even in the parties that women put on where they are selling their sexy lingerie and toys to each other like they were Tupperware parties. None of that makes any of it right. None of that justifies Trump saying it age the age of 59. It’s childish and I hope he was very embarrassed in talking about it with his wife and his kids. Not just his daughters.

One thing we can be certain of is that we haven’t heard the last of it. There is more to come.

On the exact same day that Trumps taped comments were put out there for all to hear, Wikileaks put out their first batch of hacked E-mails of John Podesta, who is Hillary’s campaign chairman. Do we know which was leaked first? Did they put out Trumps, and then Hillary’s E-mails? Or did they put out Hillary’s E-mails, then Trumps tape? They both came out within virtually minutes of each other.

Those E-mails included comments by Hillary that she has a public position on issues but also has a private position on those same issues. Say one thing to get elected but do another thing once elected. Recently, she said that half of Trump supporters were a basket of deplorable that were irredeemable. Now in those E-mails, it’s shown that she called Bernie Sanders supporters a bucket of losers. It was also revealed in the E-mails that Hillary wants open trade and open borders.

In the first debate, Hillary brought up the woman that was Miss Universe over 20 years ago and things that Trump supposedly had said about her. We got to spend a week hearing about that and then how that girl had threatened the life of a judge in her home country, and how she’d been in some porn videos.

Then there is the Republican’s in the Senate and House and even some governors and former governors that have rescinded their endorsement of Trump over the language used in that tape.

We are less than a month from the election. In fact, on the day that the E-mails and the Trump tape was released, I received in my mail my absentee ballot. What do the Republicans expect to happen by pulling their endorsements?

Do they think that Trump will drop out of the race? I’d be very surprised if that happened. His ego is too large for him to back out over words stated 11 years ago. If that was their bluff to get him to drop out, they should have thought through their plan a little better. What other choice do they have to vote for? Are they really going to switch to the Libertarian, Gary Johnson? Gary Johnson is walking proof that pot smoking impairs the memory.

Are they going to vote for Hillary? Do they really want to have Hillary in the White House taxing the nation into a depression or have her husband Bill wandering the halls of the White House grabbing every intern in sight?

The next President will be named either Trump or Clinton. To not vote makes them what they complained about in 2012 where Republicans stayed home because Romney wasn’t good enough. To vote for anyone but those two only makes them appear petty and they should give up the seats they are elected to fill.

Donald Trump beat out 16 other candidates. He beat some very good Senators, Governors and former Senators. He beat out two non politicians which were part of that 16. At some point, the Republicans are going to have to face the fact that they have a very flawed candidate who is head and shoulders better than the Democrat opponent. But don’t get the idea that being better than Hillary makes Trump a good president.

So far, the Republicans are showing themselves to be wimps. If they were smart, they would stand up and say that they don’t condone Trumps remarks but that going to Hillary would be infinitely worse and then figure out that if they want to get things done for the country, they will have to work to keep Trump in check. They might actually have to do their job and start sticking to policy and keeping Trumps feet to the fire on all that he tries to implement.

This is not about what they want. It’s not about what the Democrats want. It is about what the American people want and what is best for the United States of America. We have a Constitution that is at risk if Hillary is elected. We have a Supreme Court that is at stake and could set this country back for the next 30 years if Hillary is elected. We have borders that will disappear if Hillary is elected. Health care in this country is at stake. The government will be your new doctor if Hillary is elected. This election is about Liberty and Freedom. If Hillary is elected, we’ll all be under the submission of what amounts to be a tyrannical government.

Our country is in danger of disappearing with either one of these candidates. With Hillary, we’re assured that we’ll lose freedoms. If Trump is elected, we at least have a chance. It may be a slim chance, but it’s still a chance.

I can see no way for either party to bounce their candidate out. Early voting has already begun. The only way it will change is if one of the candidates chooses to drop out, then it will be their Vice Presidential nominee that would fulfill the nominees place (and I’m not sure that’s 100% accurate).

The House could decide that regardless of which one wins the election, they could start impeachment proceedings right after the inauguration. But that would look like they are thwarting the will of the people.

For the Republicans to back away and all but give the election to Hillary Clinton is selfish on their part and only shows that what’s important to them is their own self interests and the country means nothing to them.

This is a time for them to stand up and tell Trump that they understand that this happened 11 years ago but that if he has current activities that stain the Presidency, they will not hesitate to punish him with the appropriate measures and party unity will not be taken into account if he’s elected President.

While it’s right that the Republicans not just follow Trump because he is a Republican, it’s wrong for them to abandon the people that are voting for Trump because he’s the better choice between he and Hillary.

Finally, there is the press. Have you seen the following reported? (Editing to clean up foul language is mine).

-  “Just get that [F-ing dog] out of my way,” said to Secret Service K-9 handler.
- “Where is the GD flag? I want the GD f***ing flag up every morning at f***ing sunrise”. Hillary to staff at the Arkansas Governor’s mansion on Labor Day 1991. From the book “Inside the White House” by Ronald Kessler, p. 244
- “F**k off! It’s enough I have to see you s**t-kickers every day! I’m not going to talk to you, too! Just do your Gd job and keep your mouth shut.” Hillary to her State Trooper bodyguards after one of them greeted her with “Good Morning.” From the book “America Evita” by Christopher Anderson, p.90
- “If you want to remain on this detail, get your f***ing ass over here and grab those bags!” Hillary to a Secret Service Agent who was reluctant to carry her luggage because he wanted to keep his hands free in case of an incident. From the book “The First Partner” p. 25
- “Stay the f**k back, stay the f**k back away from me! Don’t come within ten yards of me, or else! Just f**king do as I say, Okay!!?” Hillary screaming at her Secret Service detail. From the book “Unlimited Access” by Clinton ‘s FBI Agent-in-Charge, Gary Aldridge, p.139
- “Where’s the miserable c**k sucker?” (otherwise known as “Bill Clinton”) Hillary shouting at a Secret Service officer. From the book “The Truth about Hillary” by Edward Klein, p. 5
- “You f**king idiot” Hillary to a State Trooper who was driving her to an event. From the book “Crossfire” ~pg. 84
- “Put this on the ground! I left my sunglasses in the limo. I need those f**king sunglasses! We need to go back!” Hillary to Marine One helicopter pilot to turn back while in route to Air Force One. From the book ” Dereliction of Duty” p. 71-72
- “Come on Bill, put your d**k up! You can’t f**k her here!!” Hillary to Gov. Bill Clinton when she spots him talking with an attractive female. From the book “Inside the White House” by Ronald Kessler, p. 243

Notice these are all sourced, yet the mainstream press doesn’t put this out there for you to make an informed decision about someone who was first lady. But they’ll repeat the exact words that Trump used 11 years when he was a private citizen.

In the first debate, Lester Holt lobbed softball questions at Hillary but not Trump. The only time he mentioned the E-mail controversy was after Trump brought it up and then turned to Hillary and said “is there anything you’d like to say about the E-mail?’ If that's a difficult question, anyone could do their job! 

In the debate last night, the second question he asked Hillary answered for 3 minutes uninterrupted, but Trump got one minute before he was stopped. When the crowd cheered at Trumps comments, they were told not to applaud, but when the crowd cheered for something Hillary said, no admonition was given.

We have two flawed candidates to choose from this year. We have a press that will only report what they choose to report based on their own biases. Should we give up hope that this election can still turn out something other than Hillary? No. There was an election a couple of months ago in England about whether or not they should leave the European Union. The polls all said it was safe that the EU would remain intact. Even our President came out in favor of the EU. But the people spoke and the election went the other way.

Each vote is needed to offset the illegal aliens that will be voting. To thwart Hillary and her accomplices in the press. The result may very well be that we have the best of two very bad candidates, but at least it’s the people choosing and not the establishment choosing for us. But only if we vote!

If by some miracle the Republicans in the House and Senate get their act together and we get Trump as President, the best of two bad choices, we may actually get a congress that pays attention to the people for a change and keeps the Presidents feet to the fire to be sure things that are done are done calmly and with great deliberation. We just might get something good out of the bad choices we have. 

We've elected one man because of his color and got a very bad President out of it. There were many better men and women of color than the one we got. There are better women to hold the office of the President than Hillary Clinton. Voting for her for the sake of getting our first female President is just as wrong as electing the wrong black man. Now we're down to two choices that are both bad. One of those choices is in it with the country in mind. The other is in it to make a name for herself. She has already done that in a bad way. Making her President is not going to correct what she's done to herself. 

Vote. It may be your last chance to have a say in your government! 

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Friday, October 7, 2016

The Great Debate Part 3

The Great Debate part 3 is coming up on Sunday evening. The first debate was between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton with Hillary getting assistance from the moderator Lester Holt.

In the first debate, Trump had Hillary on defense through the first 40 minutes or so until he let her personal attacks get under his skin and he started flailing back at her over those remarks.

If he’s going to engage her in a debate, he has to be on the offensive and ready for anything she says for the entire 90 minutes and not just one quarter of the debate. Trump has the right policies regarding Illegal Immigration, eliminating ISIS, lowering taxes, reducing regulations, cyber-security, getting the economy to grow, reducing spending, and fixing the VA for our veterans.

Hillary has lived off the government all of her life and never hired anyone for a business she’s started. Government is the problem. Government is corruption. Government does not have solutions. Hillary has been involved in government since her husband was elected Attorney General in the 1980’s.

When she talks about Trump not having the temperament to be President, he should say that he’s not the one that has thrown ash trays and vases at the President. That was her doing. He’s not the one that has told his body guards where they could go, that was her replying to a "good morning" from a secret service agent with an expletive. Trump is not the one that told his body guards to get off the plane so he could give a free ride to donors to his foundation, but Hillary has done that. Trump may have made passes at women as a businessman, but Hillary has aided in dealing with “bimbo” eruptions during her husband’s philandering years in the White House. She might want to learn the difference between a Philanthropist and a Philanderer.

When it comes to cyber security, Hillary is the last person that anyone should trust with this nations secrets via E-mail.

This next debate will be a town hall style debate with people in the audience asking some questions. Make no mistake about it though, the questions are pre-approved by the moderators. I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if they choose at least one illegal alien to ask a question of Trump. If that happens, that is the press taking sides. Think about it.

Illegal aliens are not eligible to vote in our elections. So why should they be permitted to ask questions in a debate between two people that we will be choosing from for our election to be our President? An even better question would be, why isn’t someone from ICE in the hall to arrest any illegal aliens for breaking our laws?

If the press chooses an illegal alien to ask a question, they are taking time away from an American citizen to ask a question, and they are showing their bias in favor of Hillary. Do you really think they’ll have Gennifer Flowers ask a question of Hillary? Or Kathleen Willey? Paula Jones? Juanita Broaddrick? Monica Lewinsky? Of course not, that would be biased in favor of Trump and the press won’t do that. They’ll likely not say much about Hillary’s E-mail or giving immunity to five of her underlings and yet nobody being charged with anything. Those things will be up to Trump if she’s going to be made to answer for her corruption.

Trump will have to be better for this debate than he was in the last one. I hope he learned from Mike Pence how to be ready. Pence was interrupted 73 times by Tim Kaine and the moderator and he let it roll off his back and still got the message across.

The great thing about Trump is that each time it seems he’s about to be out of it, he bounces back stronger. We’ll see if that happens on Sunday.

You’re welcome to comment.
