Within a democratic society, or a republic the power is in the hands of the people. That power is LENT to elected officials to handle the affairs of the people through a governmental system. In the United States of America, the founding fathers fought for and rid us of tyranny and a monarchy and put in place a republic. We elect our local leaders to handle the business of our communities. We elect state leaders to handle the the business of our particular state and we elect leaders to handle the affairs of the entire nation as a whole.
While we elect a Senator from our own state to represent our
state, they join with other senators from other states to represent the entire
country together with each keeping in mind the well being of their own state as
well as the nation as a whole.
Don’t misunderstand what’s meant by putting those two paragraphs
up there. It is not intended to reinvent the meaning of “public trust” to
something that it’s never been before. Sometimes we need to see it in black and
white to remind ourselves that it’s easy for leaders to get off track by
looking out for themselves rather than those they are elected to look out for.
Harry Reid (D), Senate Minority Leader, was recently asked about
his comments during the 2012 election where he said that Candidate Mitt Romney (R)
had not paid his taxes for ten years and said he had a confidential source that
informed him of this. His answer to the question about that comment was ‘Romney
didn’t win did he?” Harry Reid lied in the well of the senate for his own
personal reasons and those of his party. He purposely told a lie and did so in
the well of the senate to avoid prosecution. That’s not an example of the
public trust! That’s an example of corruption.
During the 90’s when Bill Clinton was president, the American
people learned of White Water, the Rose Law Firm and shredding and the constant
women that Clinton had on the side. There were lies that weren’t even necessary
to be told. Clinton claimed to be a Rhodes Scholar but wasn’t. Naturally he
lied about the women and was caught in his lies. Travelgate, and all of the
people directly or indirectly surrounding Clinton that died usually by suicide
or plane crash and even some murders of people where there was a slight
connection to Clintons. These things and more were already known to the people
of Arkansas.
Now his wife has decided to run for president. She has been one of
the most polarizing figures in this country since her husband first decided to
run for President. Hillary Clinton ran for the Senate and won following her
husband leaving the White House. Since Bill Clinton left office he has set up
an entity called the Clinton Foundation. It’s supposedly used for
philanthropic purposes. Feeding the hungry, building schools, and so on. Sounds
like good work and when they do help those in need, it is a good thing. But do
they really do these things? Maybe. But keep this foundation in the back of
your mind for a bit.
Hillary ran for President in 2008. It was assumed that she’d win
,but there was a man that was a first term Senator from Illinois and he was
black. Now there is a challenge. She lost to Obama. Somehow the Clintons needed
the access to the White House. So Bill lobbied hard to get Hillary in as
Secretary of State. They were successful. During her four years as Secretary of
State she had access to many people around the world as did Bill Clinton.
Earlier this spring, we heard of foreign contributions to the
Clinton Foundation. But within hours we started hearing about E-mails being
used by Hillary on her private mail rather than using the State Department
E-mail. With the Clintons, when something comes out, something else comes out
that seems less significant to distract from something more significant.
Now this week, we’re hearing about the foreign contributions
again, but this time there is more than even that. Hillary, as Secretary of
State, was in a country with connections to Moscow, Russia. Bill Clinton is
then given $500,000 for speaking in Moscow within a month. Now, it’s coming out
that there is a connection from that to a company getting a mine or mines in
this country where we get half of our Uranium from. A company called UraniumOne
now owns it and is controlled by none other than Russia. Russia gives Iran nuclear materials
and we are in negotiations for a nuclear deal with Iran that nearly everyone
around the world seems to be against.
Money has flowed into the Clinton Foundation and it looks very
much like much, if not all of it, is due to connections that Hillary Clinton made
as Secretary of State.
So again, I’m going to pause and take you back in history a bit.
Remember I told you that the Clinton Foundation was doing philanthropic work
around the world? Back in Arkansas during the 80’s, Bill Clinton was governor.
The “Clinton Machine”, that which raises cash for Cinton’s political career
through various means, was run from a business called the Arkansas Financial
Development Authority (AFDA). It was a philanthropic organization as well. They
were to build schools, churches, etc to help those that were in need. Sound
familiar? However, there were accusations, rumors, stories about it being a
place to launder drug money in Arkansas. Loans were given and never repaid and
not expected to be repaid. Rose Law Firm had ties and it was apparently
involved in Whitewater, among other things. This was Clinton’s machine. Is
Cilnton’s machine now the Clinton Foundation?
But why would they put America at risk by arranging for Russia to
own half of our uranium and give it to Iran? When Bill Clinton was younger he
participated in and even organized Ant-American rallies. Not Anti-War, but
Anti-America! That too sounds familiar to me. Organized rallies and we now have
as President a community organizer, and he’s in negotiations with Iran, the
largest sponsor of terrorism in the world.
With all of these similarities and coincidences, why isn’t the
mainstream press even reporting much on it? Why does the press spend very
little time even mentioning that Hillary uses E-mail, or has received money at
the foundation from countries that are guilty of human rights abuses and of
suppression of women? The press also has a responsibility to the “public trust”.
Part of it is believed to be because when the Clintons get favors
from people, they reward them with jobs. Jobs in government as he did with some
of his girlfriends to have them keep their mouth shut, or jobs with friends,
which includes the press. A couple of his girlfriends received jobs in the
media. This apparently keeps the press quiet because they’d have to acknowledge
that they are hiring people as a favor to Clinton who they are supposed to have
an arms length relationship with so they can do their jobs and report the news
regardless of the news being good or bad.
When these accusations come out, whether it’s Bill’s girlfriends
where Betsy Wright used to run interference with her Bimbo eruption crew, or
Whitewater, or shredding documents at a law firm, or any of the myriad of other
scandals during the Clinton presidency, they attack the messenger. They call
them the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy. Or the messenger a Republican operative.
They try to destroy the accusers credibility even going so far as trumping up
charges against the whistleblower to distract and the whistleblower is exonerated
weeks later but the damage has been done and the whole thing is now old news.
If someone else brings up something new on old
topics, the Clinton’s claim it’s old news.
My favorite is when they say there isn’t a shred of evidence. Of
course there’s not a shred of evidence! They shredded the documents or gave the
hand picked E-mails over to the State Department from her private server then
said the private server has been wiped.
At one point, Hillary said about the E-mails that she turned over
the 30,000 E-mails or so that she had that were to and from the State
Department. Then later she said there should be no problem because the State
Department captures all of the E-mails that come and go anyway. So my question
is, if the State Department captures them all anyway, why did she make a big
production of having turned over her E-mails to the State Department? If they
had them already, why did she find it necessary to do that?
Now that the information is coming out about donor money to the
foundation and where it went, they’ve gone on the attack against the accusers
and tried to hide it that way. But, yesterday, several donations from foreign
countries were found to have come through Canada and were not listed on their
forms. Within hours, they said there was an “oversight” and they are now filing
amended tax returns for the past five years! Five years! That’s the time that
Hillary was the Secretary of State.
Hillary Clinton is running for President. She’s claiming to want
to be the Champion of the middle class. The amazing thing is that people actually
believe that line! A woman who in the past six months has said that they were
broke when they left the White House, and who has raised billions of dollars
and gets $250,000 for a speaking fee, and made $99,000 on $1,000 investment
wants to be a Champion for the middle class? What about the lower class? What
about the upper class? Isn’t the President supposed to represent ALL Americans?
Will she spread her wealth to others that don’t make as much as
she does as part of her income equality initiative?
This woman is a two faced liar and while she may not be as good at
it as her husband, the scary part is that she may be better at it then he is.
This country, my country, OUR country does not need another eight
years of scandals, sexual escapades, corruption, and lies. To vote for her
because she’s a woman would be foolish to the extreme. She’s not looking out
for the public trust and the public should not trust her.
If we do vote for her, what we can expect is more parodies like
And don’t think for a minute that while she’s testifying with her “I
don’t recall”, that her husband isn’t out doing what he’s always done creating other
parodies like this:
One more thing. Remember Benghazi? Remember the election of 2008?
Hillary asked the question: Who do you want answering the phone at 3:00 in the
morning. The people chose Barack Obama for some reason. But on September 11,
2012, that call came in at 3:00 in the morning. Unfortunately, both Obama and
Hillary were there to answer the phone. And four men died! What did Hillary
have to say about that? “What does it matter now?” What did they both say about it at the time? It
was caused by a video mocking the Muslim prophet.
The Clintons had the AFDA as their machine in the 80's and 90's. It was in Arkansas and continued through his presidency. Now for Hillary's presidential run they have apparently taken that small AFDA operation idea and created one that operates on a Worldwide scale and called it the Clinton Foundation.
The Clintons had the AFDA as their machine in the 80's and 90's. It was in Arkansas and continued through his presidency. Now for Hillary's presidential run they have apparently taken that small AFDA operation idea and created one that operates on a Worldwide scale and called it the Clinton Foundation.
Tonight at 10:00 on the Fox News Channel, Bret Baier is doing a
special report on the Clintons and the foreign money. I urge you to watch it.
It will likely be replayed over the weekend. Watch it. Maybe watch it a couple
of times to let it all sink in.
Hillary Clinton is not the one to elect to be President of the
United States. She can't be trusted to walk a dog, she should never be in a position of the public trust. She can't be trusted!
I apologize for the length of this and I apologize for not
including all that I could have, should have and wanted to include.
You are welcome to comment.