In 2005, Hurricane Katrina came ashore in Mississippi. Three days prior to the Hurricane making landfall, President Bush declared it a disaster area.
Less than 5 years later, an oil rig explodes in the Gulf of Mexico spewing the oil into the gulf on Earth Day. 5,000 barrels of oil per day is shooting up out of the earth into the Gulf.
During those nine days that the oil was flowing into the Gulf, President Obama was traveling around the midwest trying to sell Americans on Financial Reform and demonizing Wall Street. At the beginning of his campaign against Wall Street, the SEC said they were investigating Goldman Sachs.
In the midst of those nine days Arizona passed a law banning illegal aliens or foriegn invaders from Arizona. While doing one of his speeches in the midwest on Financial Reform, Obama became Anti Government claiming that the law was misdirected and claimed that this law will mean that if you're an illegal invader, and you take your children to get ice cream, you will be harrassed even though your ancestors may have been here for generations. This is a flat out lie on Obama's part, but it's interesting that he would lie and disparage the Arizona lawmakers making him one of those anti government domestic terrorists that they've been complaining about since the Health Care vote. Still the oil flowed.
Also during this nine days, Homeland Security Secretary, Janet Napolitano testified and when asked whether the borders were safe in Arizona, she said first that they were as safe as they've ever been. People are being murdered. Ranchers, officers of the law, and even some of the illegal invaders. In addition, kidnappings are running rampant. Senator Lindsay Graham pushed the question again and Napolitano said that the question was not a fair one. Still the oil flowed.
Finally, nine days after the explosion, we still don't know what caused the explosion, but Napolitano did do a flyover of the leaking oil rig where 11 people are presumed dead. The oil has reached the mouth of the Mississippi and the shores of Louisiana and Mississippi.
Animals are being covered in oil. The fishing season is upon the area and the fishermen are saying that this will ruin their businesses.
While this oil is flowing, let's take a look back again. It's August 2005. All eyes are on the Gulf of Mexico. There is a hurricane brewing. It's getting stronger. But we don't know if it's going to go to Mexico, Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi, or turn towards Florida and Alabama.
The hurricane continues to churn out in the gulf and grows stronger. Finally, nearly a week before the hurricane, named Katrina, actually hits shore, the tracking shows that it will hit anywhere from Louisiana to Florida. The presumed track is narrowing as the hurricane moves ever closer. The only question now is how far east it will turn in.
Three days prior to landfall, it's pretty well certain it's going to hit Louisiana and Mississippi. The experts are now questioning how large of a storm it will be, although it's known it will be a very large one. Just how large is in question. President Bush declares a state of emergency for the states on the Gulf Coast. He urges people to evacuate.
Twelve hours before landfall, Governor Blanco declares a state of emergency and tells everyone to evacuate. Mayor Nagin urges people to evacuate and opens the SuperDome to those that have no place to go.
The hurricane makes landfall in Mississippi. While it was a Category 5 in the gulf when it hits shallow water before making landfall the strength drops and it's a Category 2 when it hits land.
We all know what happened from there. People in New Orleans waited for the government to come and get them. 1,000 people died. 2,000 buses sat empty in a parking lot. Bush was called a racist for allowing so many black people to die. News programs showed the looting going on following the hurricane and they showed mainly minorities doing the looting. Again, racism was yelled out. Even Lewis Farrakhan jumped in with his conspiracy theory that Bush had ordered the levies blown up.
Liberals complained that it took President Bush two days to go to New Orleans. Yet, the hardest hit areas in Mississippi were rarely mentioned and not given the attention that New Orleans received.
Back to present day. Where are the news reports complaining that Obama has not been to the Gulf during any of the nine days since the explosion? Why has he not visited New Orleans? Is he a racist? Incompetent? Why has it taken nine days for Napolitano to fly over the region? Is the Federal Government ignoring New Orleans again?
Today, on the tenth day, Obama decides to suspend all new oil and natural gas leases off shore. It's an interesting response considering that there are 819 active oil rigs in the gulf and there have been over 6,600 rigs in the gulf.
Once again, the liberals are quick to accuse when Bush is President, but duck and cover for their President.
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